Berthing & Launching
Skippers should make berthing arrangements for the period before the race as soon as possible. A list of marinas is below.
Marina | Phone | Location | Access |
Bayview Harbour | 5537 1647 | Runaway Bay | 2m draft at low tide |
Gold Coast City Marina | 5502 5888 | Coomera | River is shallow in places for drafts over 2m |
Hope Harbour Marina | 5530 1333 | Hope Island | Lots of water on top of tide – deeper channel on one side- ring marina for directions |
Horizon Shores Marina | 5546 2300 | Jacobs Well | 1.9m on the low |
Marina Mirage | 5528 2328 | Main Beach | |
Mariners Cove | 55912800 | Main Beach | |
Runaway Bay Marina | 5577 1400 | Runaway Bay | Deeper draft boats must enter on the top of tide |
Sanctuary Cove | 5577 6500 | Hope Island | |
Southport Yacht Club | 5591 3500 | Southport | If you wish to berth at Southport for the Friday night, please tick the berthing required box on your entry. Berths will be allocated by Southport and QCYC close to the race day. Do not contact Southport directly. |
The Boat Works | 5500 0000 | Coomera | River is shallow in places for drafts over 2m |
Launching and recovery – Trailerables at SYC Hollywell
Entrants may use the SYC Hollywell facilities for launching and retrieving of yachts by arrangement with the Hollywell Sailing Squadron.
Trailers and vehicles must not be left on the property unless specifically directed. Use of the crane is limited.
For further information regarding SYC Hollywell contact them on 07 5537 7030.
Launching and recovery – trailerables at SYC Main Beach
Entrants may use the SYC Main Beach facilities for launching and retrieving of yachts by arrangement with the Waterfront Manager on 5591 3500.
Trailers and vehicles may be left on the property providing all owner details are provided. No responsibility is assumed for property left on premises.
The creek channel to the QCYC marina has a minimum channel depth of 2.5m LAT based on soundings at dredging in May 2022. Skippers are reminded that navigating the channel is their sole responsibility and to ensure they check the latest nautical charts and Notices to Mariners for official published depths.
Berthing will be allocated on arrival at the marina. The Club undertakes to provide a berth for all competitors in so far as is possible however skippers are required to assist in this regard by asking the Race Office or Marina Marshalls (if present) for berth allocations prior to leaving the boat and by ensuring space is not wasted due to inconsiderate berthing; large multihulls in particular MUST obtain a berth allocation prior to leaving the boat. Contact must be sought through the marina manager in this respect.
The ends of the T-Heads are reserved for offshore fleet monohulls where there is approximately 3m LAT. This arrangement is subject to pending approval of TMR in line with previous event dispensations. This will also be subject to any allocation by the marina manager or delegate.
Berthing at QCYC is by arrangement if you wish to leave your yacht at QCYC until the following weekend please make these arrangements early so as not to be disappointed.
Launching and recovery – trailerables at QCYC
The Club ramp and adjacent upstream Public ramp will be available for recovery. All yachts with trailers must be removed from the water at the first opportunity.
Non-members parking for vehicles and trailers is available in the overflow parking area on the other side of the road from the club.