Competitors’ Briefing

Use Zoom to attend the briefing by video conference.

Meeting ID: TBA

Passcode: TBA

A compulsory Race briefing (including a Weather Briefing) will be held at Southport Yacht Club (Room to be advised) at 2030 on Friday, 31st January 2025. Arrangements will be explored again the race briefing attendance and participation via online platform/s and advised in due course. Attendance at briefing whether in person or online participation if in place will be compulsory.

The Skipper and at least one member of the crew intending to compete in the Race must either physically attend the whole of the race briefing or participate via electronic media. It is recommended that the skipper and the (designated) navigator attend in this manner. Arrangements will be made for the race briefing to be held via Zoom video conference and also broadcast via Facebook on Live Stream at the Race Facebook page.

Those attending via online platform must remain logged in throughout. Those watching the Facebook Live Stream will be asked to either like the stream at its conclusion or post a comment declaring they have viewed it, to ensure their record of participation. Either methods will allow participants to ask questions in the course of the briefing.

There will be a skipper‘s pack to collect with all the necessary documentation at a place which will be advised in due course, along with further details about the briefing. That information will be displayed on this web page and also brought to attention on the race Facebook page. Any questions in the meantime may be directed to race director Harley Cowlishaw via mobile number and/or email via his contact details as displayed on the NOR.

The video record should also be available for revision by all competitors at the Race Facebook page following the briefing.