Categories for the Race

Yachts may be entered for as many categories in which they are eligible from the following list.

Offshore Fleet

  • IRC monohulls
  • ORCi monohulls
  • OMR multihulls
  • PHS monohull
  • PHS multihull
  • Shorthanded PHS monohulls

Inshore Fleet

  • CBH monohulls
  • PHS monohull
  • PHS multihulls
  • ORC monohulls
  • OMR multihulls
  • One design / Class – Skippers of any class e.g. RL24, Blazer can apply for a special category to be included in the Race. Skippers should ensure there will be at least five boats within the category prior to application to the Organising Authority.

Except where specified, all categories are subject to a minimum of five entrants.

The Organising Authority’s determination as to whether an additional handicap category or division will be accepted is final and binding.